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Simon Bruce - Curriculum vitae

GitHub profile: blacksun1
LinkedIn profile:
Curriculum Vitae:
Nationality: Dual Australian and British
Home City: Adelaide, Australia

Everyday work goals


Key skills

Full stack web development

DevOps engineer

Employment History


From Oct 2020–Present

Development Team Lead, Partner Solutions

Team lead, full stack development mainly based on the .Net Framework


Redesigned application to allow for quicker development while improving testability and ease of use for customers while taking into account changes in requirements from legislation changes and the product owners.

Main skills utilised

Backend: ASP.Net MVC Framework, MS-SQL (Azure SQL), Azure DevOps
Frontend: ASP.Net MVC Framework, JQuery, Kendo, React
DevOps: Azure DevOps build and release pipelines, Windows, az cli automation, Azure WebApps


From May 2019–September 2020

Team Lead, using various technologies such as:

Main skills utilised

Backend: .Net Core, NodeJS, Azure Functions (using JavaScript and .Net Core), KOA, Express, Hapi, Lab + Code, Mocha + Chai, XUnit + Moq + Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk + FluentAssertions, MS SQL, Redis, JavaScript, Docker
CMS: Acoustic Content (Used to be Watson Content Hub), Orchard Core, Contentful, WordPress, Sitefinity
Frontend: Angular (vs 6 to 10), React, Next JS, Gatsby
DevOps: Azure DevOps build and release pipelines, Windows, Linux, az cli automation, Azure WebApps, Azure Function, bash

Buddy Platform

From July 2018–April 2019

Specialising in full stack Java including DevOps:

Main skills utilised

Programming: Java, Kotlin, React Native
DevOps: Linux, Azure, VSTS (Azure Devops), Azure Kubernetes Service

Sine Group Pty Ltd, Senior Software Engineer

From January 2017–June 2018

Specialising in full stack NodeJs:


Main skills utilised

Programming: NodeJS, Express, Mocha, Chai, AngularJS, Postgres, JavaScript, AWS SQS, AWS SNS, Amazon Elastic Container Service
DevOps: Linux, AWS CloudFormation, Jenkins

Estates Gazette, RBI, Principal Developer

December 2014–December 2016

Specialising in full stack NodeJs and DevOps:


Main skills utilised

Programming: NodeJS, HapiJS, Code, Lab, Mocha, Chai, AngularJS, MongoDB, JavaScript, AWS SQS, AWS SNS, AWS EC2
DevOps: Linux, AWS CloudFormation, CFNDSL, Puppet, bash, TeamCity, Ruby

ICIS, RBI, Senior Developer with Energy Dashboard team

February 2014–December 2014

Full stack development of ASP.Net MVC application:


Main skills utilised

Programming: C#, ASP.Net MVC, JavaScript, JQuery, JQuery Widget Factory, Grunt, TeamCity

Marylebone Diversified LLP, IT & Software Development Manger

December 2011–December 2013. Marylebone, London


Main skills utilised

System Administration: Windows Server 2003 through to 2012 including Hyper-V, MS-SQL 2000 through to 20012, management of Windows XP through to Windows 8 PCs, Redmine, Subversion, MS Exchange 2010, MimeCast
Programming: C#, .Net WinForms, WPF, MS-SQL, .Net WebServices, WCF, Entity Framework, Delphi, Subversion, PowerShell and batch scripting

Axco Information Systems, Senior Developer and Software Development Manager

June 2007–December 2011. London


Main skills utilised

Programming: C#, ASP.Net MVC, MS-SQL, Classic ASP, JavaScript, .Net WinForms, WCF, Mono, NHibernate, SharePoint 2010, PowerShell and batch scripting
Web development: HTML5, XHTML, CSS, XML web services, JSON web services, AJAX
System Administration: Windows Server 2003 through to 2008 R2 including Hyper-V, MS-SQL 2005 through to 2008 R2 management of Windows XP through to Windows 7 PCs, ADAM and AD LDS, Crowd, SharePoint 2010, Trac, Subversion, MS Exchange 2007 and 2010, MimeCast

autom-8 pty ltd, Director, July 1999–July 2013. Adelaide, Australia


Main skills utilised

Programming: ASP Classic, MS-SQL, JavaScript, VisualBasic 6, .Net WinForms, .Net, .Net WebForms, COM+, *nix scripting and batch scripting
Web development: XHTML, HTML, XML, XSLT, CSS, accessibility best practices
Windows System Administration: Windows NT 4.0 through to Windows Server 2003, MS-SQL 6.5 through to 2005, IIS, FTP etc
Unix System Administration: Operating systems used included Linux, OpenBSD and FreeBSD. Setting up and management of httpd (Apache), SSH, Firewalls, DNS, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, LDAP, VOIP etc

Other roles


Main skills utilised

Programming skills: Classic ASP, MS-SQL 6.5 and 7, JavaScript, Visual Basic 6.
Web development skills: HTML, XML, XSLT, CSS, and accessibility best practices.
System Administration: Windows NT 4.0, MS-SQL 6.5 and 7, IIS, FTP etc.


Available on request.